Kuali Research @ Texas State
Where did PropStart go? Is Kuali Research a new software system?
Kuali Research is an upgrade to the University’s existing Kuali Coeus/PropStart system. The upgrade provided many enhancements and improves the user experience as he or she uses the system to notify the Division of Research of new proposals and approve university routing. PropStart’s functionality has been absorbed in the sense that the proposal creation screen in Kuali Research 6.0 captures all the information previously collected by PropStart AND creates/manages the entire proposal record to be used for possible System to System Submission (electronic submission to federal sponsors using Kuali instead of grants.gov), budget building, attachment placement, and university routing. This single streamlined data entry experience will no longer require faculty to login to separate sites for separate functions (PropStart for proposal creation and Kuali Coeus for routing approval).
Does my login information change with Kuali Research?
No, your login for Kuali Research is still your Texas State Net ID and password. An added security feature when logging in will be the Duo Multi-factor Authentication.
When and where do I start entering proposal information?
Log into Kuali and Select ‘Create Proposal’ from the ‘Researcher’ tab at the top of the screen. Fill out the first page and click ‘save and continue’ at the bottom when you are done. At this point, a menu appears along the left side of the screen. The sections require completion are ‘Basics,’ ‘Key Personnel,’ and ‘Questionnaire.’ Other portions of the proposal are also editable (but not required) by faculty, including Compliance and Attachments.
In the “Create Proposal” page, I receive an error if I type in my name under Principal Investigator. What is going wrong?
The Principal Investigator field in the Create Proposal Screen is not a free text field. You must return a value for the field to accept your entry. To do this, click on the magnifying glass, search by name (Last Name or First), find your selection and click “Return Value”.
What is the Prime Sponsor Code? Is this something I should know ahead of time?
The prime sponsor code is a numerical code assigned to each Sponsor within Kuali. You do not need to know this code to enter a Sponsor. All that is needed is the sponsor name; the Sponsor field has a predictive text enhancement, enabling you to start typing in a partial name of the sponsor for it to pull up, rather than having to complete a lengthy search. If you find that the sponsor you are looking for is not pulling up, please select “To Be Determined” as your sponsor. Your Pre-Award Coordinator will work with you to populate your sponsor and update your proposal record.
In the ‘Key Personnel’ section, what does ‘credit allocation’ or ‘F&A Distribution’ mean? What do I do if there is more than one Investigator listed?
Credit Allocation is where the PI’s portion of F&A split is documented, based on either University Policy 03.04.05, Facilities and Administrative Costs, or if the PI chooses a different split, the PI’s requested percentage split. The percentages shared between investigators should be directly proportional to their respective department (unit). At the time of proposal creation, this item can be left blank, but will be answered prior to routing by PreAward Staff via input from the proposal PI.
What are “Internal Attachments”, and should I be adding anything to this section?
Internal attachments are meant to be documents that should be included within the proposal but are not actually part of the proposal. An example of this might be an email documenting IDC waiver or the RFP released from the sponsor. Although these are not necessary for submission, they provide the needed documentation for budget building.
What is the Supplemental Information tab? Should I be answering questions related to OSP Summary, Proposal Coordinator, Coordinating Board Classification or Cost Share?
Supplemental information is additional information for the Division of Research to populate in the proposal record. This is meant for Division of Research use only for internal tracking.
I’m done entering Basic Info, Key Personnel, and Questionnaire information. What do I do now?
Simply click “Save” and “Close” on the record. A PreAward Coordinator will receive an email notification of your proposal creation and will be in contact with you shortly. Do not submit the proposal for any review as it is not yet in its completed status; the Division of Research required actions must be completed for a full and accurate record, in accordance with UPPS 02.02.01